About us

There are so many studios that are packed to the rafters with heavy machinery. "Back to the beginning" is my recommendation! People often say that if I could start again with the knowledge I have today, I would do a lot of things differently. Well, that's still possible! We humans don't need heavy weights and huge machines to stay physically active and healthy. All we need is our own body weight and a few springs. This light resistance creates a holistic workout that brings unprecedented variety and effectiveness. Instant satisfaction and energy guaranteed.
In 2014, we went as a family to England and the USA for several years. It was in the UK that I first came into contact with Pilates. I did my Pilates certificate for mat training there straight away. The beginning of a great love story! Countless YouTube videos and group training sessions followed, culminating especially in America. Then the era of personal training began. I have helped many ladies get back to their feel-good body after pregnancy.
When I completed my further training in America, I became acquainted with the Pilates equipment. My enthusiasm was so great that I decided to bring this equipment back to Germany. Josef Pilates, who was originally German, had brought the Pilates method to America and founded his first studio there. Now I wanted to be the pioneer to bring it back to the motherland. In 2019, as our first milestone, I founded Studio4eva, a ladies-only fitness studio, but over time it became more and more of a Pilates studio, so you could also call it a Fitlates studio. At the beginning, I desperately tried to buy Pilates equipment, but very quickly realised that there was hardly any on offer. There were already a few equipment manufacturers in Europe and the USA, but the equipment was nowhere near what I was looking for.
Just as Josef Pilates had seen it in his time, I wanted the sport of Pilates to be seen, understood and lived. I decided to construct my own equipment. Thus P4 Bavaria was born, our second milestone!
With this company, I want to ensure that the quality and innovation in the development of this equipment is guaranteed. With the founding of P4-Bavaria GmbH and the associated online shop, the women's fitness studio Studio4eva and the Premium Pilates Studio SE, we want to expand from Bavaria to the whole of Germany and also to Europe. Our medium-term goal is to market our equipment in the USA via our second location in Greenville. 
In our online shop, in addition to our Pilates equipment, franchise partnerships will very soon also offer all kinds of sporting goods, furniture/fitness furniture, nutritional supplements, fashion as well as beauty and lifestyle products.
Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't put people first. In order for people, but especially women, to have better access to the equipment and to this lifestyle, studios are also needed. That's why the third milestone in our success story is the founding of our first Pilates studio in Munich. With the "Premium Pilates Studio Europe", we and our partners want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to practise this wonderful sport. Especially in large cities, it should be possible to visit a fully-fledged premium studio in the smallest of spaces.
Because, as you might know, the prices for larger premises are very expensive there. I and my husband as well as our daughter and son are the faces and heads of this company. Our employees and partners from production, sales, IT and logistics also embody this philosophy. When Josef Pilates died, he did not yet know what he had unleashed with his method "Contrology", which was later unnamed Pilates after his death. With the "Studio4eva" and the "Premium Pilates SE" in conjunction with our own brand of appliances "P4" and the associated online shop, we are well prepared for the onslaught on this sport that will come in the next few years. To round off the whole concept, we also need the expertise for further education and training, as we also want to cover this part with our planned Pilates Academy. Our aim is to be able to offer training that is based on the highest level of expertise and knowledge. With this in mind, we wish you a pleasant visit to our website and a wonderful time in our studios. For enquiries regarding studio partnerships or training seminars, please contact us in the menu under the heading "Partners & Training" for further details.
With sporting greetings

Aysegül Abdis 

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